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stuff i do


Check out my return as America's Little Sister aka Jello Wrestling sketch comedy character on America's Got Talent EXTREME! 

me doing standup

I have been performing in Los Angeles and all over the country since 2016. From comedy clubs and festivals, to corporate gigs and colleges, I am ready to take on any crowd. Email for bookings or more tape! 

me on AGT

Check out my 15 seconds of fame as America's Little Sister aka Jello Wrestling sketch comedy character! Watch Season 16 Episode 1 of America's Got Talent for the full experience. 
Mostly True Opinions

Two millennials and their three pets in the middle of a quarter life crisis, doing a podcast to avoid legalizing The Purge...

me podcasting

me acting

Sycamore Valley

A few of my shining moments from this mockumentary comedy about a millennial couple navigating the choppy waters of their first home-buying experience, and finding they’re caught in the middle of a contentious turf war between a pair of Orange County Realtors.

me doing voices

Voice Over Reel

I have the most fun with animated children's characters and teen commercial copy! I have an at home recording studio set up to record quality audio at the blink of an eye! 

I made this.

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